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Address: The Dental Connection
63-65 Fleece Road
Long Ditton KT6 5JR
Tel: 020 8786 6800
Opening Hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesday By appointment only
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday By appointment only
Saturday Every alternate Saturday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
*Our sister practice in Twickenham is open 5 days a week and should you require an appointment or have an emergency out of hours, calls are answered on a daily basis. You will either be transferred straight through to reception or alternatively you can call Twickenham direct on 02087441944 and they will ensure your queries are dealt with immediately.

Accident and Emergency Cover

Our surgery hours should cover most times that you need to see a dentist in an emergency situation. If you require urgent treatment or advice out of hours, simply call the main practice number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note that if we do need to open the surgery after hours, a charge will be made. Alternatively dialing 111 will put you directly in touch with available local dental-treatments-surbiton.

Emergency contact-If we are closed, please call our Practice number and calls are usually answered immediately by our sister practice in Surbiton. Otherwise please leave your details and we will contact you shortly.

All Specialist treatments are available at our Surbiton Branch.

Call 020 8786 6800 today to book your appointment.